Value-Based Reimbursement Specialist ID-8402
This job is responsible for key strategic initiatives for the Markets and Provider Transformation Organization supporting the matrixed teams that engage providers enrolled in the Organization’s value-based reimbursement programs and continuous improvement models. The incumbent plays different potential roles on a given project, to include elements of project leadership, problem-solving, data analytics, team development, communication, implementation, and project management. The incumbent often plays a central role in the development and execution of the strategy for a given initiative for transformation of workflows resulting in outstanding performance in the Organization’s value-based reimbursement programs ensuring that ROI targets as set by the Organization are met or exceeded. The position collaborates with various teams within data analytics and infrastructure to support the creation, optimization, and maintenance of self-service resources for providers, entities, and health systems within these programs. Works on multiple projects and has exposure to all parts of the Organization, and will play a supportive role in planning, communicating, and managing the market strategy.
- Participate in the development of strategic plans for the Enterprise and Markets and Provider Transformation and the key BU's for the Organization’s value-based reimbursement programs and continuous improvement models. Lead or support key strategic initiatives across Enterprise and Markets and Provider Transformation for the Organization’s value-based reimbursement programs and continuous improvement models. Role will vary depending on initiative, but will include elements of team leadership, problem-solving, data analysis, project management, communication, implementation, and provider and/or provider-facing team education support. Will participate on a portfolio of projects. Remote Data Entry, No Experience, $40/hr, Part-Time
- Serve as a subject matter expert working in concert with provider-facing teams to explain new programs and results to key provider partners as needed. Collaborate on product development and the creation, optimization, and maintenance of a self-service platform for providers, entities, and health systems within the Organization’s value-based reimbursement programs for both the commercial and government business with a focus on enterprise goals including but not limited to Government Markets (STARS, ACA, CHIP, Medicaid DE) and Enterprise Quality, Safety, and Values (Health Outcomes Measures). Provide actionable opportunities in provider transformation aimed at high-quality, cost-effective care while improving patient outcomes.
- Provide consultative workflow transformation and training/education services to matrixed teams supporting providers enrolled in the organization's value-based reimbursement programs. Strong knowledge of risk adjustment methodologies and reporting/regulatory requirements and CMS Stars rating measures including HEDIS, CAHPS, Pharmacy, HOS, PQA, PQRS.
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Night Job
Entry-Level Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, Evening Job
Customer Support, No Degree, $40/hr, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, College Student Friendly
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, No Degree, Night Job
Part-Time Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, College Student Friendly
Remote Moderator, No Degree, $50/hr, Evening, Weekend Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Night Job, No Experience
Live Chat Support, $40/hr, Remote, Entry Level, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Night Shift
Part-Time Customer Support, $40/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, Part-Time, Evening/Night Job
Entry Level Phone Job, $42/hr, Remote, No Degree Required
Weekend Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience
Remote Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Evening, Part-Time Job
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Part-Time, Weekend, No Degree
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, College Student
Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Night Job, College Student
Remote Moderator, $50/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Experience
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote, No Degree
Data Entry, $50/hr, Remote, Evening Job, College Student
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student Friendly
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Degree, Evening Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $40/hr, Evening Job, No Experience, Remote
Remote Live Chat, $42/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, No Experience, Remote, Night Job
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $42/hr, Evening/Night Job, No Experience
Remote Moderator, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend Job, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, College Student, Remote
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, No Experience Required
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Night Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend Job, Remote, No Degree
Phone Support, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening Job
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree, Remote Job
- 5 years of Work experience in the primary care and the ambulatory care environment, healthcare insurance industry, healthcare administration in primary care, or healthcare consulting in primary care or population health management.
- 3 years of experience in data analysis, interpretation, and outcomes strategic plan development.
- 1 year experience with Medicare STARS, Medicaid HEDIS, risk revenue value streams, and population health management.
- 7 years of experience in managed care, primary care management or other clinical setting.
- Experience in Lean, Six Sigma, TQI, TQC or other quality management certification.
- Experience in health plan provider network performance management, population health management, continuous improvement, or provider engagement models
- Experience influencing change in complex organizational systems.